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Group Hug
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Adapted Quote from Matt Chandler.

Explore a plethora of engaging trainings, workshops, or speaking/consultations for personal, spiritual, and/or professional growth. Not only will you learn important information (perhaps for the first time), but will hopefully be encouraged, challenged, and motivated to change or bring change to your community.

Education services are offered in person and/or virtually. They can be for individuals or groups, so please be sure to ask about ways that trainings can be tailored to fit your needs. Incorporation of faith-based materials may be available upon request. Also be sure to ask about trainings that count for continuing education hours (CEUs).

NOTE: Natalie is an authorized facilitator with D2L. Natalie does not provide any clinical counseling services or therapy through Proximity, LLC.



Conference Seating


Hands Up

Speaking & Consultation

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Anchor 1
Group Bonding

Personalized Training

Collaborate with Natalie to create a training that meets your needs or the needs of your church, agency, business, or group to form a training about the following topics: 

  • Trauma & the Holistic Impact

  • Nueroplasticity & Resilience

  • Trauma-Informed Care

  • Trauma-Informed Ministry & Discipleship

  • Trafficking, Exploitation, Child Abuse, Mental Health, Chronic Illness, or Addiction

  • Etc.


If you are a survivor, book a 1:1 personalized training to learn more about your experience-mind, body, and spirit. 






Stewards of Children

Darkness to Light's Stewards of Children® is an adult-focused prevention training program that centers on improving the awareness of the prevalence, consequences, and circumstances of child sexual abuse. The training aims to educate adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to Child Sexual Abuse. Natalie is an Authorized Facilitator.


 This 3 hour training is perfect for professionals, clergy of the church, children's ministers, teachers, doctors, nurses, dental hygienists, business professionals, coaches, mentors, youth leaders, camp counselors, anyone volunteering or working with children and teens, community members, etc. Some professions allow for this training to count for continuing education credit (CEUs) so be sure to ask if your state and field apply.



Children's Toys

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

"Child exploitation and sex trafficking is more prevalent than you may realize. Sexual abuse, among other factors, makes children exponentially more vulnerable to exploitation. More than 90% of children who are sex trafficked have been sexually abused in the past. Child sex trafficking is also child sexual abuse." (



Flower Plant

Talking with Children/Teens about Safety from Sexual Abuse

"Having age-appropriate, open conversations about our bodies, sex, and boundaries is an important step in protecting children. Learn to recognize a child or teen's attempt to talk about their concerns or questions." (

White Fence

Healthy Touch

"Understanding boundaries makes us more mindful about how we interact with children. Learn to balance children's need for warmth and affection with safe, respectful ways of interaction." (


On the Phone

Recognizing and Mandated Reporting

"Mandated Reporter Definition: (n) individual who holds a professional position that requires him/her/them to report to the appropriate state agency cases of child abuse that he or she has reasonable cause to suspect. " (  Examples of mandated reporters are church leaders and staff, Clergy, including Christian Science Practitioners or religious healers, physicians, nurses, dentists, optometrists, medical examiners or coroners or their employees, emergency medical services, mental health or allied health professionals, teachers, counselors, principals, school attendance officers, substance abuse treatment staff, childcare workers, foster parents, police or law enforcement officers, juvenile justice workers, volunteer non-attorney guardians ad litem serving on behalf of the South Carolina Guardian ad Litem program or on behalf of Richland County CASA, judges, Undertakers, funeral home directors, or their employees, Film processors, Computer technicians. "Learn to recognize other forms of child abuse and neglect, and how to respond as a mandated reporter."  (

All Hands In

Active Bystanding

"Active bystanding is key to protecting children from sexual abuse. What is Active Bystanding? A “bystander” is a person who witnesses a boundary violation or sees a situation in which to protect children. An Active Bystander is someone who does something about it. Bystanders can play a major role in keeping kids safe by acting when they see a child who needs help. Intervening or taking preventative measures as a bystander can mean the difference between a child being sexually abused or being protected from abuse." (

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Anchor 2
In a Lavender Field

Trauma-Informed Care

Learn a basic overview of trauma-informed care and brainstorm ways you can directly apply it to your work and life as you seek to play a healthy role in the lives of those needing to heal. 

Can tailor to specific needs and add spiritual or faith-based elements.

Field Storm Clouds

Human Trafficking & Sexual Exploitation

Learn a basic overview of trafficking & exploitation, and ways you can play a role in helping people heal.

Can tailor to specific needs and add spiritual or faith-based elements.

Church Interior

For the Church

The church has a vital role to play in providing trauma-informed care for anyone who enters their faith community so we must be diligent in learning.

Missions is not just for people who choose to live overseas. If you are a believer, you ARE a missionary in your context where you work, live, and play. What is the mission? To love God and love others in this world. God’s heart is for the whole world. What does “whole world” mean? It means villages across the globe. It means that person or family that come from a country you did not even know existed. It means that person or family that have a different skin color or gender identity than you. It means that person who belongs to a people group that you don't understand, know nothing about, or may even make you feel uncomfortable. It means that person who is your next door neighbor, classmate, or roommate. It means that person or family you don't like very much. It means that person or group that struggles with addictions, mental health concerns, or trauma. It means those who have suffered great loss, are differently abled, are homeless/houseless, or do not have a family to call their own. If God’s heart is for the whole world, then ours should be too. It is commanded in Scripture.

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Interior Design
Anchor 3

Trauma-Informed Design Consultation

Meet one on one with Natalie to learn ways to apply Trauma- Informed Care in your personal life or organization. Book a walk through of your organization/office spaces to help you create a welcoming place that feels safer for those you serve through trauma-informed design.

If you are a survivor, book Natalie to come to your home or office to help you create a space that feels safe, calming, and healing for you.

Butterfly on a Flower

Chronic Illness & Ableism

Book Natalie to come share part of her story of living with a chronic illness. Learn about the hardships & the power of community and support. â€‹

Perfect for a business or agency seeking to understand and represent those staff living with chronic illness; for a non-profit that works with those living with chronic illness; or for a faith community desiring to have a guest speaker share their testimony.

Blue Hummingbird

Social Work

Book Natalie to come share part of her story of becoming a social worker. Learn about the process & be inspired to forge your own path as you discovery your role in this season of your life.​

Perfect for undergrad or graduate class.

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